Terms of Service
This End User License Agreement (the "EULA") is a legal agreement between you (either in your individual capacity, or on behalf of an entity), hereafter sometimes referred to as "you," "Licensee," or "End User" and Lephco in order to give you a license to use the Game as set forth in this Agreement under the conditions in this Agreement, as well as to use the additional (mandatory) services provided by Lephco By clicking the acceptance button that follows this EULA and/or using the Game (as defined below), you acknowledge that you have read this EULA, understand its terms and conditions, and agree to be bound by such terms and condition.
1. Definitions: a. The term "Game" means products supplied by Lephco and it also includes any updates or upgrades, b. The term "User Account" means the online account that is necessary for the registration and authorization, for details please see: www.lephco.com/privacy-policy c. The term "Consumer" means a Licensee who is a natural person who licensed the Game. d. The term "Free Version" means Game that is provided by Lephco to you for free. e. End – user licence agreement – sometimes referred to as "EULA" or "Licence".
2. Ownership/Intellectual Property Rights: a. You, as Licensee, through your downloading, installing or use of this product do not acquire any ownership rights to the Game. The Game is protected by intellectual property laws and treaties. The rights to use the Game as set out in this Agreement are licensed, not sold, to you by Lephco b. Third party trademarks, trade names, product names and logos may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. You may not remove or alter any trademark, trade names, product names, logo, copyright or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols or labels in the Game. This EULA does not authorize you to use Lephco's or its licensors' names or any of their respective trademarks. c. As between you and Lephco, Lephco is the owner of all right, title and interest in and to the Game (including all copyrights, trademarks and patents) regardless of the media or form of the Game; whether online, by disk or otherwise. d. You shall not, at any time during or after the effective Term of the EULA, dispute or contest, directly or indirectly, Lephco's exclusive right and title to the Game or the validity thereof. e. You shall not attempt to develop any Game that contains the "look and feel" of any of the Game, or is otherwise derivative of the Game.
3. License grant: a. Under the condition that: - You have legally acquired the rights to the Game, - paid the applicable price and - have registered and You hold valid User Account, Lephco grants You a personal, limited, non-exclusive license to install and use the Game for your personal, noncommercial use solely as set forth in this License and any accompanying documentation. Any commercial use is prohibited. You are expressly prohibited from sublicensing, renting, leasing or otherwise distributing the Game or rights to use the Game. The term of your license shall commence on the date that you start to download, install or otherwise use the Game, and shall end on the earlier of the date that you dispose of the Game or Lephco's termination of this License. You may not translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works from the Game. b. You may download the Game from an authorized source. The number of copies that you can download during a consecutive period of days may be limited. You may not make a copy of the Game available on a network where it could be used by multiple users at the same time. You may not make the Game available over a network where it could be downloaded by multiple users. c. You acknowledge and agree that the Game may use information regarding your computer, hardware, media, software and your use of the Game to validate your license rights and to update the Game. d. You agree that the Game may automatically download and install updates, upgrades and additional features that Lephco deems reasonable, beneficial to you and/or reasonably necessary. You acknowledge and agree that any obligation Lephco may have to support the previous version(s) may be ended upon the availability of the update, upgrade and/or implementation of additional features.
4. Consent to Collection and Use of Data. a. During the process of registration and unlocking, updating or upgrading the Game and when technical support is provided, Lephco may collect and use technical information for improvement of the Game or for support purposes. b. Lephco may track and collect information from your use of the Game and aggregate such Data. This Data is anonymous. You may decide whether or not this Data to be aggregated by Lephco c. Lephco knows that information about our customers is an important part of our business. Lephco would never sell Your personally identifiable information to anyone, nor would it ever use spyware or install spyware on users' machines. d. Personal information that You give Lephco directly and information that Lephco collects as specified in section b. of this article will be used for purposes such as improving our products and services, troubleshooting bugs and otherwise to improve your user experience. e. Further information about Lephco data collection and privacy policies for the user account can be found at www.lephco.com/privacy-policy
5. Conduct Settings a. By installing and using Game you acknowlledge and agrese that you will not to: - create a false identity for purposes of misleading others, - violate the rights of others, defame, abuse, harass, threaten, spam or otherwise interfere with others'use uf the Game, - publish, transfer or distribute any inappropriate, indecent, obscene, foul or unlawful conduct, - transfer, stream or otherwise make available materiál that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, hacks, bots, corrupted files or any other similar material that may damage the device. 6. Limitation of Liability a. Lephco shall only be liable without restriction according to the statutory provisions for any damages of the Licensee caused by intentional or gross negligent conduct of Lephco or its agents. b. Otherwise, the liability of Lephco for damage claims – for whatever legal reason – is limited in accordance with the following conditions, unless otherwise provided by an explicit guarantee of Lephco for damages caused by slight negligence, Lephco is only liable insofar as they cause damage to contractual obligations (cardinal obligations). Cardinal obligations are those contractual obligations which must be fulfilled in order to ensure orderly implementation of the contract and in whose observance the Licensee should be able to trust. Insofar as Lephco is responsible for simple negligence hereafter, the liability of Lephco is limited to the typically foreseeable losses. c. The above liability restrictions shall also apply to agents of Lephco d. You agrese that provisions in this License that limit liability are essential terms of this Licence.
7. Indemnification: a. Licensee agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Lephco and its affiliates and their respective officers, employees, directors, agents, licensees (excluding you), sublicensees (excluding you), successors and assigns from and against any and all liability, costs, losses, damages, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses) arising out of any claim, suit, or cause of action relating to and/or arising from (a) your breach of any term of this EULA;(b) your violation of any rights of any third party; or(c) your use or misuse of the Game. Your indemnification obligations set forth in the immediately preceding sentence shall survive the termination of this EULA.
8. Third Party Content and Game: a. The Game may utilize or include third party content, software or other copyrighted material ("Third Party Content"). Your use of such third party material is governed by their respective terms and conditions. By accepting this EULA, you are also accepting the additional terms and conditions, of the third party . Lephco expressly disclaims any all warranties in connection with the Third Party Content, and shall have no liability in connection therewith. b. Your use of the Game may allow you to connect with third party applications or websites ("Third Party Applications"). Your use of the Third Party Applications is governed by the terms and conditions thereof. By accepting this EULA, you are also accepting the additional terms and conditions, if any, set forth therein. Lephco expressy disclaims and all warranties in connection with the Third Party Applications, and shall have no liability in connection therewith. c. Lephco is not liable for costs arising out of services demanded by the Licensee that are not provided by Lephco. This shall in particular apply to costs of data transfer from or to the Licensee’s device to a third party.
9. Termination of the License: a. The Licensee may terminate this EULA at any time by destroying the Game together with all copies in any form. This EULA will also terminate automatically upon conditions set forth elsewhere in this EULA, or if the Licensee fails to comply with any term or condition of this EULA, without notice to the Licensee. The Licensee agrees upon such termination to destroy the Game together with all copies in any form. b. Lephco may terminate this EULA immediately when Licensee breaches terms and condtions of this EULA. Lephco is justified immediately to inhibit the Licensee to use the Game.
10. Governing Law/Place of Performance and Jurisdiction/Dispute Resolution: a. Exclusively Polish and European Union law applies, with the exception of the its conflicts - of - law rules, even if the Licensee has his residential or business seat abroad. If the Licensee is a Consumer, this choice of law shall not, however, have the result of depriving the consumer of the protection afforded to him by provisions that cannot be derogated from by agreement by virtue of the law which, in the absence of choice, would have been applicable. b. For all present and future claims from this Agreement, the exclusive jurisdiction is Poland. The same jurisdiction applies if the Licensee has no general jurisdiction inside Poland, if he relocates his residence or habitual abode out of the country, or if his residence or habitual abode is not known at the time of institution of legal proceedings.
11. General: a. The Licensee can only offset claims of Lephco with undisputed or legally established counterclaims. The Licensee can only exercise a right of retention if his counterclaim is based on the same contractual relationship. The transfer of the Licensee's claims against Lephco is prohibited. b. All rights not explicitly granted in this agreement are reserved. c. The failure or delay of Lephco to exercise any of its rights under this EULA or upon any breach of this EULA shall not be deemed a waiver of those rights or of the breach. d. This agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive agreement between Lephco and Licensee with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all proposals, representations, understandings and prior agreements, whether oral or written, and all other related communication between the parties. All rights not explicitly granted in this agreement are reserved. Any clause in this agreement, which is found to be invalid or unenforceable shall be deemed deleted and the rest of this agreement shall remain unaffected. e. Nothwithstanding any provisions in this Agreement to the contrary, we agrese that if Lephco makes any future changes to this Agreement you may reject any such change by sending us written notice within 30 days of the change.